Friday, May 10, 2019


We have finally finished our silent films, and can't wait to share them during our film festival on Wednesday night! This week we have settled back into our usual routine, and have begun work on reading response 5, which will focus on theme.

Reading Response 5:
- Retell: identify one or two main theme(s) of your novel. Then provide basic information about the characters and events the author has used to address the theme(s) you have identified. This should be a short paragraph (3-5 sentences, no more).

Sample opening sentence: "Harry Potter is about friendship."

- Relate: connect the theme(s) you have identified in your retell to your own life and experiences. Do you have personal experience with the theme? Have you seen it in another book or movie, or in the news? Provide detailed examples and a quote, just like you would normally do in your relate.

- Reflect: share your own opinions about how the author has dealt with the theme(s) you have identified. Do you think they presented the theme(s) in a believable and effective way? Did your own ideas about those theme(s) change or develop as you read? How? Provide details, examples and a quote, just like you would normally do in your reflect.

To see our standard reading response format, please click here.

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