Wednesday, March 20, 2019

It's Almost Spring Break!

Thank you to all of the students who have checked in to get homework for absences surrounding spring break! This is an important time of year, so if you are missing more than a day or two, it's important that you see me about catching up.

This week, students have been gathering background information about changes in Canada after Confederation (1867 until approximately 1970). We have split the work up, so that groups of students will be able to present on specific time periods and topics. Before spring break, students need to complete their notes for their assigned chapter, so they are prepared to begin planning a presentation with others when they return from spring break. Students have been invited to sign out textbooks so they can finish the work at home if necessary. 

You can access the necessary textbook chapters here.

Hopefully, this work is finished so you can enjoy your spring break! I hope you will read a great book and enjoy some time with your family!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Silent Film Background Assignment

We are currently doing some textbook work in preparation for our work on silent films. Students have been assigned one textbook chapter each, and have been asked to complete 3-word notes to help them learn that content. When they have completed their notes, they will work in groups to create presentations for their classmates. Students will also be asked to take notes on the presentations they watch. This way, we will all gain a broad understanding of 20th century Canadian history in preparation for more specific research.

If you have been absent, please see me for your textbook chapter. You will likely need to sign out a textbook so you can catch up at home.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Short Story Reflection Assignment
Due Wed. March 13th

  • 2 complete paragraphs
  • How are you different now than you were at the beginning of our work on short stories?
    • I used to _______ but now _______.
    • Have you thought about short stories in other media before? How does the medium influence the story?
    • Did you understand theme before? Where are you now in your understanding of theme? Can you apply what you've learned to your current novel?
    • What have you learned about characters, plot elements, and emotions in stories?
    • Was there any story, character or situation that you related to strongly? Did you recognize any common elements from other stories you've read, heard or watched?
  • Key vocabulary to include: theme, plot, character, protagonist, antagonist, character development, exposition, initial incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

Monday, March 4, 2019

Update: March 4

I hope you all had a great weekend! This week we are presenting our reading responses and continuing with in-class work on short stories. Students, if you've missed more than one day of short stories, please find out what you've missed so you can catch up. You will need the work from each short story for a final creative piece.