Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Silent Films!

This week we are busy filming our silent films! Everyone has brought beautiful props and costumes and we are highly engaged in this work. We'll have more time to film on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Please remember to keep up with your daily at-home reading throughout this process!

Also, we will be hosting a Silent Film Festival on Wednesday, May 15th from 7-8pm. There will be music and a concession, and the night will celebrate our hard work on these films. We hope to see you all there!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Hi 7-4 and 7-5,

I'm away with a bad cold today, but we need to get going on our silent films! Mr. Falconer will hand out your booklets and tell you your groups if you don't already know them. Directors: it's your job to make sure those folders are handed back at the end of every class.

For today, you have 3 priorities:
1. Vocabulary: there's a vocabulary page (Station 1) at the front of the booklets in your folders. Please complete it with definitions in your own words. We'll have some conversation about this tomorrow.
2. Review your topics: there are topic sheets in your folders. Please read through them and identify 5 important facts. You can do this in highlighter or underlining directly on the page, or you can write them as notes.
3. Begin your research: there are sources on the back page of your topic sheets. Most students should begin with the textbook and concentrate on Stations 4, 5 and 6 in your booklets. Please use 3-word note structure for your notes (but use more words as needed).
*The FLQ/October Crisis is not covered by the textbook - jump straight to online sources.

Please note that today's assignments are to be done individually in your booklets. Group conversation is okay, but your work should not be identical to your classmates' work.

Thank you for working hard while I'm away. I'll see you tomorrow!

-Mrs. Wesley